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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Star Crossed: A love Lesson of Vape and Horror

Vaping is like the story of your favorite song. It's born in the muck filled den of a heathen. It's labored over and nurtured. It's tossed about- the very idea of it- spread about in the hopes that someone with enough capitol can present a grid that average eye's can't see. It's pitched, loved, hated, reshaped, recorded, dissected and finally created...
A song is only real when someone can hear it.

This is the story of small business. 

I want to not be a cultural elitist.  I want to not cringe when I hear people say " This is my vape" and point at their mod. I want to let go of my need to tell people; "you are a vapEr and this (while exhaling) is vapOr." 
I wish to stay away from the forums and trite preference that comes with assuming you "know" things... do I lurk? You bet your ass I do. 

If I can just stay out of the inevitable "Clone Wars" debate, it becomes easier to remember that vaping is the story of small business. Yes, straight faced and boldly, I'm referring to the American Dream.

I Went out for a Ride and I Never Went Back...

Consider this; There are two, very different, classifications of vaping in the U.S. 
There's the cultural vapist: Everyone from the newly anointed ego user to a duke owning, VP Live subscribing, die hard as fuck hobbyist.
Then there is the other column: The rest of the world.
If we can look away from our underground behavior we can see an incredible circumstance that doesn't get enough web time. 
The story of the vaping industry is the story of having enough. It's the moment you realize that you've given your life to make someone's dream come true. It's the epiphany...
"I'm in the middle of a rising industry and the bubble is still expanding."

Now...we all know what happens to "the bubble." But this is not that story. 

With this realization- you set out to find a new world. 

We all had our reasons to break into this industry. Some people subscribed to the religion of vaping and went to spread the gospel; others saw a family member vape and decided they wanted in on the action. The most common thing I see amongst store owners, however, is a history of adversity.
Yes...I know I will catch shit for talking all ethereally...but in my company I have the distinct position of dealing with Vape Store owners on a daily basis. It shocked me how closely our stories mirrored each other. Stories of savvy and charm...
Stories of gracelessness and horror, inventive side jobs and charlatan expertise. But the theme that keeps coming up is redemption. Not just some... most.

I'm talking about people smashing their chin on rock bottom, walking up, starting over and busting ass to create something amazing. 

I've met owners who have survived through recovery, lived through persecution, slept on their shop floors and they all keep going. People after my own heart. People that I may not know intimately - but I know all too well.

I started to notice this pattern after the fourth or fifth time someone's back story was shockingly similar. It sounded like, "Hi I'm so and so... I went through hell, did odd jobs, I've woken up in the street, can't remember years...but the lightening hit and the world snapped into place. I'm driven, I'm free of sorrow and I have a successful business." 

So what is it? What keeps the themes of adversity and terror continuously resurfacing in meeting vape store owners?
My guess is that it has a lot to do with not being afraid to live...
A person that has suffered through persecution (even self induced) and lived to tell about, is a person that is not afraid to live the life they want. They quit a lifestyle....eventually even smoking...and they repackaged their values. 
Lots of business owners are people that are accustomed to starting over- because they've done it in their personal lives. They aren't afraid to lose their jobs and cushy existences because they've lost far more...furthermore they've sacrificed far more to continue to live.

Let me Tell You a Story bout a Man Named MoocH 

It's easy to commiserate. If you set about to make friendships through personal stories of shame and degradation, it won't take long to find like minded people. So it should be no shock to anyone that most successful people find themselves in the company of the successful.
As for me; I've spent a lifetime with self willed musicians and sales people. Bullshit artists and exaggerators. People seeking validation and living solely on hope.
And they weren't all wonderful people, I assure you...

But some of them are. Some of these cats will work themselves into oblivion just to make you smile; wake up and do it all again. I could find the person I wanted to be in the strength of people giving a shit enough about themselves to stop being "why?" people and just making life happen.
You're going to have enough of those people around on accident... if vaping has taught me anything from this side of the business- it's that; "why not" people exist in every facet of business and life. By majority the local vape store owner is a 'why not' as hell person. Ask them...ask them about changing life in midstream and taking a shot. Ask them about what it must have felt like to make decisions on nothing more than a whim and a prayer.

When Freeze and I started the vape association we immediately identified with everyone around us. We identified with the smoker who wanted to live a little easier; we identified with the business owner who wanted to wake up-  just once - and feel like they lived an existence they controlled.

We wanted to work with vaping- not compete with it. That is the basis of The Vape Association. 

For those of you that may not be aware- The Vape Association is a membership program where members can go to our direct store affiliates and purchase items with a ten percent discount. Our members can shop from them directly through our site and save money instantly. We have an annual event -Vapemania- held in Winston -by god tobacco country- Salem, NC and we offer content and advertisement driven by our blogs, podcast and general fucking absurdity.
With hundreds of members added monthly and our store affiliation growing by states-we're eerily lucky to be in the position we're in...
and we're thankful.

 Vaping is the story of small business. 

One day that might change. You might buy your latest-state of the art- mod (equipped with go go gadget surveillance camera technology) directly from walmart. You may not be able to buy juice that doesn't come from a factory. What will never change is how we stood and watched as the world caught wind of our secret.

It's easy to be so close to something that you feel unaffected. We get caught up in the ugly side of making thread junkies laugh and swearing to our "educated" opinions. Every once in a while we get reminded that behind all that is some son of a bitch with the brass nerve to chuck a normal life out the window and start all over.
It's one hell of a story.

Vaping is for closers.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog have been brought to you courtesy of The Bellview Mental Hospital. We at the vape association do not adhere to any expressed content provided by MoocH 1... thing is...we can't get rid of him. He has held the staff hostage on multiple occasions and forced us- against our will- to suffer through long hours of Cheers marathons. We have not the heart-nor guile to explain that Sam Malone is not a real living person- much less that you shouldn't pattern your life after a morally bankrupt fictionalized character. 
Please do not confuse MoocH 1's opinions for the opinions of our sponsors. They are just as confused as we are. 


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