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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Are We Better Than Our Cynicism

-Richard M. Nixon 

If the devotees of intellectualism were layered like a cake, many believe that the icing would be made of cynics. I'm a multi-generational cynic. In fact, I hardly believe what I'm writing right in this very moment. As a self professed coffee shop junkie; I have had my fair share of "all knowing" witty banter. 
Ah yes... the ever present 'taboo topic' coffee shop, round-table discussion.  
There I was... siting among the dissenters and congregationalists; hammering out points made possible by worn out library cards and a caffeine predilection. 
It's all very smut chic.
(see above picture)

You know these people, right? Today they are known as bloggers. 
Hi. My name is Mooch. I'm a blogger. 

It was very informative and combative all at once. Debating Gnosticism and quoting Christopher Hitchens. It was all very sudden and thrilling. A poor man's college, to be sure. It was a wonderful exercise of living life through the lens of "everything is suspect." It was my identity. 
 Until it wasn't.

At some point I sifted through all the words we covered in the finest cloaks and I got to the thing we were really saying. 
It consumed us. "No" was everything we stood for. The absolute anti idealism; a zero sum game. Everything had to be deduced back to the power of impossibility. 
It was shocking too. Because I thought our rousing conversations at some shit shack in nowheresville was the elected "greater truth" committee. Turns out; we were just a bunch of fairly well read pricks having a pissing contest. It was then that I discovered the difference between "no" people and "yes" people.

"No" people look exactly like your friends. They even consider themselves your friends. They look like you and have similar interests. But they also have some ulterior skills.
"No" People have fun with you when you have important things to accomplish. They need to because it validates wasting their own potential. "No" people tell you things won't work. They aren't punching holes in your ideas to make them stronger...they don't believe anything is necessary. After all, the primordial existentialism question directs their thought process... if you answer this question with "no" there is no reason to persist. 
By the way- "No" people would hate that I attributed the Leibniz reasoning for their extrapolations. 
"No" people secretly believe that they are beyond you...this accounts for their need to tear down your ideas. But they will pose this as a general concern for you "needing to have a little more fun." 
"No" people will accuse you of hypocrisy when you better yourself or follow your whims. They will exhaust themselves with witticisms hurled at your attempts. 
"No" people inherently detest cliches like "follow your dreams" or any other reminder that passion exists inside of us all.  They view all happiness as a form of platitude. 
Your buddy that sits at the bar with you and makes fun of life...going back and forth "playfully" insulting you, because that's the nature of your friendship? To hell with him. He's a secretly resentful former idealist. And the fact that you have ideas still; it exposes the wounds of his failed talents. 
To hell with him and to hell with "No" people at all. 

To the pessimist; life is always ending. That's certainly true. It's what you do with that information that matters. Get away from the fucking "No" people; these derogatory woeful assholes in 'concerned citizen' clothing. It's because they can't find a reason to thrive that they have no valid argument against why you shouldn't. If it doesn't matter anyways, than why not live happy? 

These are what these "haters" look like

Happy? What the hell is that anyways? Laid back with a beer; on a porch somewhere in obscurity? That sounds like retirement. Retirement is the antithesis of prosperity. I dunno man... I think you only need a dream to feel prosperous. People beyond the capacity to dream are experiencing deficit- not enlightenment. 
Where did this glorification of fading away come from anyways? Fuck fading off. Keep firing back. You're at no shortage of aspirations if you're being true to yourself ; and since we're being honest: let's remember that the world's most important cynics busted their asses to get to that podium. It was vision and hard work that made it happen...not listening to a bunch of "good time" friends calling them "stupid" for reaching their goals.

Also in part by:

You Don't Need an Excuse to be Awesome
So where is this all coming from? It's coming from my own endeavors and the nay sayers that it's produced. It's what infantile thinkers call 'haters.'  Except that; the only people I've ever heard use this term are either purposefully speaking to a demographic that will pay them or people that fall back on slang to justify their inability to act responsible. More "no" people.
Get these words that describe a state of negativity the fuck away from you. 

I began a podcast to speak to vapers and hard working people. A podcast that lets me talk and laugh. A podcast I share with my friend and business partner that gives me an excuse to let him make me laugh. 
I did it for business reasons and to take our company -The Vape Association- into the far corners of the whole world.
And the "no" people called it a waste of time. They said no one would listen and told us we were unworthy of a podcast.
Then people listened. 

We talked about amusing things and offered impracticable bullshit in a field of far too much practicality.
And the "No" people said it wasn't talking about vaping enough.
Then more people listened.

We gave ourselves a venue to talk about the world that we saw in the business of vaping.
And the "no" people bitched because it wasn't live and demanded that it be done to appease them. 
But we didn't appease them.
Then more people listened. 
Because people become morally unhinged by guys like Me and Freeze. Guys that set goals because we enjoy the idea of making things happen. Freeze and I are people that will eliminate negativity immediately because we know something much cooler than my make shift philosopher friends did.
We don't owe you the ability to commiserate with us. 

Not everything we're gonna do is gonna work. It already hasn't but we're too busy working on the shit that has. We couldn't have done that hanging onto people that make a pastime of ripping down dreams. 
You don't owe it to anyone to be miserable. 
You don't have to wonder what people will think when you decide to do the things you've always wanted to do. You know what they'll say...and if you don't want to hear it- get rid of them.
Yep, just like that. Past history or not... tell them you've changed. 
You're neurological pathways can, in fact, change due to behavior. So when you feel like you can't be who you want because "people don't change" science disagrees with you. 

We're all so hell bent on believing the concept of consistency. Isn't consistency the greatest thing you can have? 
The greatest thing to have is the ability to learn. 
There is no honor in staying with people who scoff at goals and visions. Fuck 'em. Do the thing that you most believe in and stop buying into the hallmark sentiment that staying is better than doing. 
Because out there? There are people who will make you feel unending and champion your causes. 

Do the shit that makes you feel human. 
Even if you were one of them... one of those people that lived just to rip on people's goals. Just because you thought you were the  George Carlin of internet comebacks- that doesn't mean that you can't stick your foot in your mouth.
Do it. Shove that mother fucker down your mouth and like it.  Because then you'll be over it. 

I've been stages of my life where the people I kept as company were not people I would like to be seen as. But reality says that; you are the people you keep company with. That's how the world views you. Don't be surprised when people distance themselves from your horror...and don't owe it to anyone to tolerate theirs. The world will see you as you see your closest company.
If that's true... I hope the whole world is taking view of my company these days. 
Hard workers, dreamers, visionaries, strong people, vulnerable people, people with hope, knowledgeable people, people with drive...
these are the folks that fuel the vaping industry. The owners and makers and idea givers.
And there is a lot of nay sayers. Internet champions with low expectations and even less heart.
That's their world. It doesn't have to be yours.
I should know. 

Put this bitch into overdrive and dream right out loud. We'll all be better for knowing you.  
So many people have reached out to us to say they enjoy the show.
We can't thank you enough. It's weird and impacting that someone gives enough of a shit to say they dig it. 
We can't wait to support your endeavors. 
Because we'll all benefit from watching someone strive to reach their goals. 

The views and opinions you have just read are totally views- except when they are opinions. They are also not anyone else's views. Especially our sponsors views. Our sponsors are beautiful and fair people. They would never go for any of this wacky talk... please buy things from them. No really. Did you know that every time you buy something from our sponsors a vaper gets it's wings? 


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